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These No Frills PC Optimum offers include:
- 4,000 For every $10 spent on Royale Bathroom Tissue, facial tissue or Tiger towel.
- 3,000 For every $10 spent on Chef Boyardee or Aylmer Tomatoes.
- 2,500 For every $10 spent on Peace Tea, AHA, Evian, Glaceau, Powerade, Coke Energy, Tim Hortons beverage product.
- 1,200 For every 3 Bold n Baked or Bear Paws crackers.
- 2,500 For every $10 spent on Cheerios, Nature Valley or Yoplait products.
- 5,000 For every $15 spent on Kellogg’s cereal, bars, Cheez-it, Pringles, Eggos, Townhouse and Morningstar products.
- 3,500 For every $15 spent on 7up.
- 8,000 For every $20 spent on Airwick.
- 2,000 For every $8 spent on M&M or Excel.

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A great opportunity to earn PC Optimum points, save money and give back. You Save, No Frills Donates. Earn More, Save More, Get More.