Let’s hang in there and do the right things so we can all be healthy
After weeks of lockdown, isolation and physical distancing many of us are feeling some physical and mental strain, but this is no time to let up on our efforts. It is only by all of us behaving responsibly that we can minimize the impact of COVID-19 on our communities.
webSaver.ca stands in solidarity with all Canadians at this difficult time and we wish the best of health to you, your families, communities and all Canadians. In the spirit of endurance, strength and discipline that we share as Canadians let’s review the fundamentals.

The overall strategy is to ‘Flatten the Curve’ of COVID-19 infection until we develop wider testing capability and a vaccine. This means we keep the COVID-19 infection rate low enough that we allow our medical care system to properly treat cases that require hospitalization and thereby maximize the chances of recovery for affected patients.
We can help keep COVID-19 infection to a minimum with these 10 behaviours:
- Staying at home as much as possible.
- Physical Distancing – Keep a distance of at least 2 arm lengths (6 feet) from others.
- Avoiding crowded places and non-essential gatherings.
- Washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- If you can’t wash your hands use an alcohol based hand sanitizer with a minimum of 60% alcohol.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
- When coughing or sneezing do it into a tissue or the bend of your arm.
- Avoiding contact with older adults, those in poor health and other higher risk groups.
- If you choose to wear a mask or gloves make sure to follow all safety guidelines. Wearing a mask or using gloves in an unsafe manner can be counterproductive.
- Regularly clean and disinfect surfaces.

These are difficult times that none of us ever expected to be in, perhaps we were unprepared. And yet it is only by working together and behaving responsibly as Canadians that we will overcome this pandemic as quickly as possible. Times are tough, we are tougher.
Let’s hang in there Canada and do the right things so we can all stay healthy and help our communities. Together we can do it!
Related COVID-19 Resources:
Canadian Government COVID 19 Resources
Canadian Institute for Health Information
Mental Health Commission of Canada
World Health Organization