webSaver.ca is Canada’s largest and most trusted online coupons and Cashback Offers website because we help families just like yours save money on your groceries.
With grocery prices soaring, who wouldn’t be thrilled at the prospect of winning valuable grocery gift cards for free? Look no further than webSaver.ca, your ticket to this incredible opportunity!
Enter the webSaver.ca “Summer 2023” Contest for a chance to win the Grand Prize of one $500.00 Gift Card plus you can also win 1 of 5 additional grocery gift card weekly prizes of $100.
Enter the “Summer 2023” now!
webSaver.ca Summer Contest Rules and Regulations:
- To enter and qualify, you must be a webSaver.ca member.
- The contest runs from June 15th, 2023 to July 17th, 2023, and closes at 11:59 p.m. EST on July 24th, 2023.
- This Contest is open to all residents of Canada, who have reached the age of 18 by the contest entry date.
- One (1) prize of $500.00 CAD ($500.00 total) in the form of a grocery gift card.
- 1 of 5 weekly prizes of $100.00 CAD ($500.00 total) in the form of a grocery gift card.